Can We Say Addicted.....???
Yes, I am. This was made from a kit that Just4funCrafts will be carring in the near future. It's a Sunflower Pot. The sunflower comes off the top and there is a hidden space in the pot to stash small stuff. How cool is this!?! I sprayed it with Glimmer Mist to make it shimmer. It took me about 1 1/2 hours to make...maybe less if I wasn't getting up and running around. This is a "must have" project for all quillers as well as beginners. This is the 3rd thing I have made quilling and if I can do it, so can you! Now back to my regular crafts as I have some catching up to do...
Well, you are amazing as usual!
You are also tagged with the middle name game. . . Check my blog for the rules and what to do next!