I was so "Quilled" to attend CHA....
Yes, that is Quilled, instead of thrilled. CHA was very overwhelming. So much to see that your mind gets over stimulated. There were many new items, and I will be bringing in a few but for now its all about me and my new found love. Quilling! I was delighted to work the booth next to Quilled Creations. The talented Author/Owner of Quilled Creations showed me her products and artwork and I was blown away. Not just your normal flat card quilling, but beautiful 3D quilling (which is what sucked me in). Last night I made my first piece of art using the quilling technique. I am very rough around the edges but with practice I will get it perfect. Thank you Alli for your inspiration! Just4funcrafts will be carrying this quilling line in the near future.
Love Ya! You talented wonder woman, you!